
Wine Paris
This year will be our first as exhibitors at WineParis! The event is to be held from February 12-14, 2024 at the Paris Porte de Versailles Convention Center.

Wine Paris 2024
We are so excited to be sharing a stand with our French distribution partners, Maison LEDA. Come taste our cognacs at the show along with the rest of the LEDA portfolio, including Château de Laubade Armagnac, Roger Groult Calvados, Naguelann Whisky, Hepp Whisky, Hunter Laing Whisky, Oaks & Ames Rum. The Lesgourgues family, owners of Maison Leda distribution are also Armagnac makers at Château de Laubade and wine makers at Château Haut Serve, Château Le Bonnat, Château Loumelat, and Château Peyros.
To learn more about the event and the other exhibitors, click here
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