Each member of the clan finds the place where he or she is most productive and can add to producing the cognac, distilled on the property since anyone can remember. Both Claude and his wife distilled, but it was Arlette who spent most winter nights at their wood-burning distillery. Subsequently, she taught Laura her craft and still returns to check on her granddaughter at their potstill.
Before contracts with the big houses existed, most grower/distillers stocked cognacs and only sold what was necessary, when it was necessary. Today, most vintners in the region, sell their entire harvest, or nearly all of it, but with Claude’s family, the tradition remains how it was for centuries: they continue to store more than three quarters of the eaux-de-vie they craft.
We look forward to tasting what will come out of their cellars for decades to come, beginning with the incredible Grande Champagne cognac in this bottle. On August 2, 2021, from one single cask, we were able to make 731 bottles of Le Cognac de Claude at 49.8% ABV, the first of our Trésors de Famille cognacs.